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Abbreviated CV


  • London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. PhD in Public Health and Policy

  • Columbia University. Masters of Public Health: Department of Population and Family Health Reproductive, Adolescent & Child Health. Recipient of the Population Family Health Award for Academic Excellence.

  • Stanford University. Bachelor of Science: Biomechanical Engineering, Product Design





McKenzie Postdoctoral Research Fellow. Melbourne School of Population and Global Health. University of Melbourne. Melbourne, Australia (June 2024-present)

  • Research to develop and hypotheses about how to reduce stigmatising behaviours in health care staff and providers who interact with abortion seekers. This work draws on behaviour change, stigma, and social norms theory.

  • Supervision of students.


Senior Adviser Research and Translation. Respect Victoria. Melbourne, Australia (Dec 2022-May 2024)

  • Provide nuanced and evidence informed advice to drive research, policy, influencing and communications outcomes in the prevention of family violence/violence against women.

  • Scoping, undertaking and commissioning small- and large-scale research activities, including the development of products to translate that research in the prevention of family violence/violence against women, and supporting the development and provision of research products and evidence informed information, tools and advice to the field.

  • Led design of qualitative research component of Man Box 2024 study and co-authored Willing, Capable and Confident report about the results.


Research Fellow, Global and Women's Health. School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University. Melbourne, Australia (Dec 2020-Nov 2023)

  • Research on topics including gender-based violence, bushfire resilience, and sexual and reproductive health.

  • Supervision of students, guest lectures. 


Independent Researcher. Amsterdam, the Netherlands (Aug 2016-Nov 2020)

Qualitative and quantitative research and evaluation in collaboration with diverse non-governmental and community-based organizations and research institutions globally. 

  • Project management, study design, field worker training, data collection, analysis and writing manuscripts for qualitative and quantitative studies examining abortion client perceptions of quality of care and experiences of stigma. Carried out studies in close collaboration with Ibis Reproductive Health; International Planned Parenthood Federation and their local affiliates in Mexico, Colombia, Uruguay, Kenya, and India; and British Pregnancy Advisory Service in the UK.

  • Advisor on development and implementation of feminist Monitoring Evaluation and Learning Community of Practice for Prospera-International Network of Women’s Funds. Conducted baseline needs assessment, facilitated project design workshop, designed agenda for 50-person launch meeting.


International Planned Parenthood Federation/Western Hemisphere Region. New York, NY (Aug 2005 – July 2016)

Various roles: Senior Research Officer, Evaluation Officer, Evaluation Coordinator.

  • Partnered on qualitative and quantitative evaluation projects and studies throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. Wrote successful grant proposals. Project management, data analysis and reporting. Fostered collaboration between partners. 

  • Designed and facilitated a conference for Latin American service-delivery organizations to develop proposals for collaborative research on sexual and reproductive health, hosted by Brown University.

  • Provided trainings and technical assistance about theory of change, logical framework, evaluation, and data quality to organizations of varying sizes. 

  • Developed evaluation tools and training materials on topics of Vulnerability Assessment, Rapid Data Quality Assessment, data quality, Sexual DiversityHIV/AIDS.

  • Managed small team that cleaned, reported and visualized performance data from 41 countries using custom and DHIS2 data collection platforms. 


Internships and research assistant positions at various organizations. (2003-2005)

Latino Commission on AIDS (New York City), Ipas Mexico (Mexico City), Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health (New York City), Mailman School of Public Health (New York City), University of California at San Francisco (San Francisco). 


Women’s Community Clinic. San Francisco, USA (2001-2003)

Various roles: Operations Coordinator, Interim Clinic Manager, Street Outreach Worker, Health Educator. 

Provided sexual and reproductive health education, referral and outreach to uninsured and underinsured women, including injecting drug users and sex workers.



  • STATA, NVIVO, Dedoose, SurveyMonkey, SharePoint, Tableau, pivot tables.

  • Native English, advanced Spanish, conversation Italian and Hebrew, basic comprehension in Dutch and French.



  • London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Theory of Change to design and evaluate complex interventions (May 2015).

  • HarvardX (Harvard University online course via edX). Health in Numbers: Quantitative Methods in Clinical and Public Health Research, 2013. Certificate (97%).

  • MITx (MIT online course via edX). The Challenges of Global Poverty, 2013. Certificate (92%).



  • Abstract reviewer for American Public Health Association (2019)

  • Peer reviewer for various journals (2015 - present)

  • Abstract reviewer for Global Health Council conference (2007 - 2010)

  • Co-chair, Public Health Students for Reproductive Freedom, Columbia University (2005)

  • AmeriCorps/HealthCorps volunteer, California (2001 - 2002)

  • Group facilitator, Central Oregon Battering and Rape Prevention Alliance, Oregon (1999)

  • Mentor and Tutor, Barrio Assistance program, Stanford University (1995 - 1996)

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